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Set up your Account

If you are confused or need help at ALL, just click
HERE, fill out the form, and WE'LL SET UP YOUR ACCOUNT!
  1. If you want to try setting things up yourself, go to "Your account"
    Your Account
  3. After you log in, then click on Set Invoices.

    Set Invoices

    If you do not log in first, you will get a description of what you can do there, instead of options to set.
  4. Be sure to set each option: The insurance "variables", postage "variables", and Ebay (and other auction's) information. If you are confused or need help at ALL, just click HERE, fill out the form, and WE'LL SET UP YOUR ACCOUNT!
  5. After you have filled in EVERYTHING, you will be given the option of seeing sample emails. It is highly suggested you do this!
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