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bak009 ( won the following:

Congratulations! You have won the following on Ebay:

"Eric Lindros/M.Grier Limited Exposure BV$240",
Ebay Auction #1100878549, for $41.00.

"KeithTkachuk/J.Roenick Limited Exposure BV$75",
Ebay Auction #1100878785, for $12.50.

 Items:           $53.50
 Total Postage :  $2.00
 Total Insurance: $1.80
 PLEASE SEND:     $57.30

greeog ( won the following:

Congratulations! You have won the following on Ebay:

"Martin Brodeur/Andreychuk Limited Exp. BV$180",
Ebay Auction #1100876253, for $29.00.

 Items:           $29.00
 Total Postage :  $1.50
 Total Insurance: $0.85
 PLEASE SEND:     $31.35

iin0 ( won the following:

Congratulations! You have won the following on Ebay:

"Dominik Hasek Limited Exposure BV$360 (#/25)",
Ebay Auction #1100875672, for $66.00.

"Jaromir Jagr Limited Exposure BV$600 (#/25)",
Ebay Auction #1100876658, for $112.50.

 Items:           $178.50
 Total Postage :  $2.00
 Total Insurance: $2.75
 PLEASE SEND:     $183.25

kpocins ( won the following:

Congratulations! You have won the following on Ebay:

"Ray Bourque/Thornton Limited Exposure BV$225",
Ebay Auction #1100877212, for $46.00.

 Items:           $46.00
 Total Postage :  $1.50
 Total Insurance: $0.85
 PLEASE SEND:     $48.35

mndtrg ( won the following:

Congratulations! You have won the following on Ebay:

"Steve Yzerman/Osgood Limited Exposure BV$225",
Ebay Auction #1100878069, for $51.00.

 Items:           $51.00
 Total Postage :  $1.50
 Total Insurance: $1.80
 PLEASE SEND:     $54.30

redsk8 ( won the following:

Congratulations! You have won the following on Ebay:

"Mike Modano / R.Turek Limited Exposure BV$90",
Ebay Auction #1100878310, for $30.00.

 Items:           $30.00
 Total Postage :  $1.50
 Total Insurance: $0.85
 PLEASE SEND:     $32.35

sichr22 ( won the following:

Congratulations! You have won the following on Ebay:

"Mark Messier/Thornton Limited Exposure BV$180",
Ebay Auction #1100877515, for $29.00.

 Items:           $29.00
 Total Postage :  $1.50
 Total Insurance: $0.85
 PLEASE SEND:     $31.35

shll ( won the following:

Congratulations! You have won the following on Ebay:

"Keith Tkachuk Limited Exposure BV$180 (#/25)",
Ebay Auction #1100879173, for $34.00.

 Items:           $34.00
 Total Postage :  $1.50
 Total Insurance: $0.85
 PLEASE SEND:     $36.35
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